Trimming Fruit Trees – Avoiding The Issues That Come With It

pruning fruit trees

How to Trim Trees – Avoiding The Issues That Come With It

There are so many ways to trim fruit trees, but how do you decide which ones to do? Of course, there are all sorts of different trees, and different methods of pruning, so we need to figure out what will work best for our trees.

The simplest way to trim a tree is by cutting off the branches that don’t get much attention, but which will ultimately become thick and mustaches. The easiest way to do this is to use a hand-held device that has sharp blades or a pair of pruning shears. Although this is the easiest way to prune fruit trees, you should use it with caution. One pruning job should not be done when another is in progress, as this could kill the plant.

Trimming fruit trees can get pretty hectic, because the trunk will start to grow back, and that can seem pretty scary at first. Then again, sometimes cutting down a big branch is really helpful, as it will protect the fruit from flying insects. Cutting branches can also help stop the appearance of long thin stems. The branch should still be trimmed every year, although there are tools now available that can cut this easier.

One more tool to consider when pruning fruit trees is a snip saw. It is designed to trim branches, and when it gets clogged or bent out of shape, it will just be easy to unscrew and get rid of. There are several types of snips, but it is advisable to have one that has a long edge to avoid too much damage to the tree. You might want to replace the blade of the snip saw every few years, depending on how the tree has grown over the years.

Today’s products are quite handy, and they come in all shapes and sizes. There are special ones designed for cutting old fruit tree trunks, and there are also smaller ones designed for trimming branches in flower gardens. There are several other specialized tools to consider as well, but these are just a few of the ones you will need to keep in mind.

It is always a good idea to have a backup plan, even if you have tried the pruning method several times before. If something goes wrong, your home may be overrun with insects and critters. It might also be dangerous, as the pruning tool could possibly puncture your fruit, and you could be injured if you fall while you are cutting.

Trimming fruit trees is a very important task, and it can be done safely. We should all learn about these wonderful plants, but when we do, you should be willing to apply the best technique for your particular trees.

Contact Steve at Grace Tree Service West Chester at 513-438-8950 for more information about tree trimming.  Also, visit their website at